Taghi Bararpour

Taghi Bararpour

Associate Extension/Research Professor

Weed Science

Mailing Address:
Delta Research and Extension Center
P O Box 197
Stoneville, MS 38776
Physical Address:
Delta Research and Extension Center
82 Stoneville Road
Stoneville, MS 38776


  • McCoy, J., B. R. Golden, J. A. Bond, D. M. Dodds, T. Bararpour, J. Gore. 2021. Rice cultivar response to sublethal concentrations of glyphosate and paraquat late in the season. Weed Technology 35(2):251.257.  Download
  • Bararpour, T., G. Singh, R. R. Hale, G. Kaur. 2020. Reducing grain sorghum (sorghum bicolor l. moench) injury from post-emergence application of mesotrione with dicamba. Journal of Agricultural Science 12(12). Download
  • Bararpour, T., J. A. Bond, G. Singh, R. R. Hale, M. Edwards, B. H. Lawrence. 2020. Glyphosate-resistant Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. spp. multiflorum) control and seed suppression in Mississippi. Agronomy 10(2):162. Download
  • Kaur, G., P. P. Motavalli, K. Nelson, G. Singh, T. Bararpour. 2020. Soil waterlogging and nitrogen fertilizer source effects on soil inorganic nitrogen. Journal of Mississippi Academy of Sciences 65(3):300-318.
  • Lawrence, B., J. A. Bond, B. R. Golden, T. W. Allen, D. B. Reynolds, T. Bararpour. 2020. Nitrogen fertilizer programs following rice exposure to a sub-lethal concentration of paraquat. Weed Technology 34:807-813.  Download
  • Lawrence, B., J. A. Bond, B. R. Golden, T. W. Allen, D. B. Reynolds, T. Bararpour. 2020. Rice (Oryza sativa) performance following exposure to a sub-lethal concentration of paraquat applied alone or in mixture with common residual herbicides. Weed Technology 34:675-681.  Download
  • Sanders, T., J. A. Bond, B. Lawrence, B. R. Golden, T. W. Allen, T. Bararpour. 2020. Evaluation of weed control in acetyl coA carboxylase-resistant rice with mixtures of quizalofop and auxinic herbicides. Weed Technology 34(4): 498-505. Download
  • Seale, J., T. Bararpour, J. A. Bond, J. Gore, B. R. Golden. 2020. Evaluation of preemergence and postemergence herbicide programs on weed control and weed seed suppression in Mississippi peanut (Arachis hypogea). Agronomy 10(8):1058. Download
  • Seale, J., T. Bararpour, J. A. Bond, J. Gore, B. R. Golden. 2020. Peanut (Arachis hypogea) response to low rates of dicamba at reproductive growth stages. Agronomy 10(9):408. Download
  • Singh, G., G. Kaur, K. W. Williard, J. E. Schoonover, T. Barapour. 2020. Cover crops and landscape positions impact infiltration and anion leaching in a corn-soybean rotation. Journal of Mississippi Academy of Sciences 65 (3):346-357.
  • Bararpour, T., R. R. Hale, G. Kaur, B. Singh, T. M. Tseng, T. H. Wilkerson, C. D. Willett. 2019. Weed management programs in grain sorghum (sorghum bicolor). Agriculture 9(8):182. Download
  • Hale, R. R., T. Bararpour, G. Kaur, J. W. Seale, B. Singh, T. Wilkerson. 2019. Sensitivity and recovery of grain sorghum to simulated drift rates of glyphosate, glufosinate, and paraquat. Agriculture 9(4):70-80. Download
  • Bararpour, T., N. E. Korres, N. R. Burgos, R. R. Hale, T. M. Tseng. 2018. Performance of Pinoxaden on the control of diclofop-resistant Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne l. ssp. multiflorum) in winter wheat. Agriculture 8(7):114. Download
  • Bararpour, T., R. R. Hale, G. Kaur, J. A. Bond, N. R. Burgos, T. P. Tseng, T. H. Wilkerson and L. M. Lazaro. 2018. Comparison of herbicides for control of diclofop-resistant Italian ryegrass in wheat. Agriculture 8(9):135. Download
  • Bararpour, T., N. E. Korres, T. W. Allen, J. A. Bond. 2017. Infection of sorghum bicolor, selected grass species, and zea mays by gloeocercospora sorghi, causal pathogen of zonate leaf spot. Phytoparasitica 45(2):211-217. Download