Guihong Bi
Research Professor
Ornamental Horticulture and Specialty Crops
Phone: (662) 325-2403
Mailing Address:
Box 9555
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Box 9555
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Physical Address:
257 Dorman Hall
Mississippi State, MS 39762
257 Dorman Hall
Mississippi State, MS 39762
Research/Extension Assignments:
- Improving the production efficiency of ornamental crops
- Expanding knowledge of new crop production practices for the state’s expanding green industry
- Ph.D., Oregon State University
- M.S., Shandong Agricultural University, PRC
- B.S., Shandong Agricultural University, PRC
Society Membership:
- American Society for Horticultural Science
- International Society for Horticultural Sciences
- Mississippi Nursery and Landscape Association
- Louisiana Nursery and Landscape Association
- Li, T., X. Zhao, G. Bi, T.C. Barickman, R.L. Harkess. 2022. Nitrogen fertigation rate and foliar urea spray affect plant growth, nitrogen, and carbohydrate status of Encore Azalea 'Chiffon' grown in alternative containers. Horticulturae 8(6):525. Download
- Zhang, Q., G. Bi, T. Li, Q. Wang, Z. Xing, J. Lecompte, and R.L. Harkess. 2022. Color shade nets affect plant growth and seasonal leaf quality of Camellia sinensis grown in Mississippi, the United States. Frontiers in Nutrition 9:1-13. Download
- Arthur, J. D., T. Li, G. T. Lalk, G. Bi. 2021. High tunnel production of containerized hybrid and heirloom tomatoes using grafted plants with two types of rootstocks. Horticulturae 7(9):319. Download
- Li, T., G. Lalk, G. Bi. 2021. Fertilization and pre-sowing seed soaking affect yield and mineral nutrients of ten microgreen species. Hortculturae 7(2):14. Download
- Li, T., G. Lalk, J. Arthur, M. Johnson, G. Bi. 2021. Shoot production and mineral nutrients of five microgreens as affected by hydroponic substrate type and post-emergent fertilization. Horticulturae 7(6):129. Download
- Zhao, X., G. Bi, T. Li, R.L. Harkess, and E.K. Blythe. 2021. Nitrogen and phosphorus rates influence growth, flowering, and nutrient uptake in Iris germanica 'Immortality'. Horticultural Science and Technology 39(6):726-737. Download
- Li, T., G. Bi, X. Zhao, R.L. Harkess, C. Scagel. 2020. Nitrogen fertilization, container type, and irrigation frequency affect mineral nutrient uptake of hydrangea. Water 12:1987. Download
- Li, T., L. Geoffrey, Q. Zhang, G. Bi, R. L. Harkess. 2020. High-tunnel production of strawberries using black and red plastic mulches. Horticulturae 6(4):73. Download
- Zhang, Q., T. Li, Q. Wang, J. LeCompte, R. L. Harkess, G. Bi. 2020. Screening tea cultivars for novel climates: Plant growth and leaf quality of Camellia sinensis cultivars grown in Mississippi, United States. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:280. Download
- Li, T., G. Bi, R. L. Harkess, E. K. Blythe. 2019. Mineral nutrient uptake of Encore Azalea 'Chiffon' affected by nitrogen, container, and irrigation frequency. HortScience 54(12):2240-2248. Download
- Li, T., G. Bi, R. L. Harkess, G. C. Denny, C. Scagel. 2019. Nitrogen fertilization and irrigation frequency affect hydrangea growth and nutrient uptake in two container types. HortScience 54(1):167-174. Download
- Li, T., G. Bi. 2019. Container production of Southern highbush blueberries using high tunnels. HortScience 54(2):267-274. Download
- Brumfield, R., L. Kenny, A. DeVincentis, A. Koeser, S. Verlinden, A.J. Both, G. Bi, S. Lovell, R. Stewart. 2018. Analysis of economic and social costs of growing petunia x hybrida in a greenhouse production system using alternative containers. HortScience 53(8):1179-1185. Download
- Li, T., G. Bi, R. L. Harkess, G. C. Denny, E. K. Blythe, X. Zhao. 2018. Nitrogen rate, irrigation frequency, and container type affect plant growth and nutrient uptake of encore azalea 'Chiffon'. HortScience 53(4):560-566. Download
- Li, Y., P. Su, Y. Li, K. Wen, G. Bi, M. S. Cox. 2018. Adsorption-desorption and degradation of insecticides clothianidin and thiamethoxam in agricultural soils. Chemosphere 207:708-714. Download
- Ray, J. T., E. K. Blythe, G. Bi, P. R. Knight, D. B. Reynolds, G. R. Bachman. 2018. Isopropyl alcohol and auxin application method affect phytotoxicity of herbaceous stem cuttings. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1212:307-314. Download
- Lemus, R. W., J. D. Rivera, J. A. White. 2017. Using microbial inoculants to improve fermentation and nutritive value of annual ryegrass baleage. Journal of the National Association of Agricultural County Agents 10(2). Download
- Rezazadeh, A., R. L. Harkess, G. Bi. 2016. Effect of plant growth regulators on growth and flowering of potted red firespike. HortTechnology 26(1):6-11. Download
- Rezazadeh, A., R. L. Harkess, G. Bi. 2016. Effects of paclobutrazol and flurprimidol on water stress amelioration in potted red firespike. HortTechnology 26(1):26-29. Download
- Zhao, X., G. Bi, R. Harkess, J. J. Varco, E. K. Blythe. 2016. Spring Nitrogen Uptake, Use Efficiency, and Partitioning for Growth in Iris Germanica 'Immortality'. HortScience 51(5):563-566. Download
- Zhao, X., G. Bi, R. L. Harkess, E. K. Blythe. 2016. Effects of different NH4:NO3 ratios on growth and nutritional status in iris germanica 'immortality'. HortScience 51(8):1045-1049. Download
- Zhao, X., G. Bi, R. L. Harkess, J. J. Varco, T. Li, E. K. Blythe. 2016. Nitrogen fertigation rates affect stored nitrogen, growth and blooming in iris germanica 'immortality'. HortScience 51(2):186-191. Download
- Brumfield, R. G., A. J. DeVincentis, X. Wang, T. R. Fernandez, S. Nambuthiri, R. L. Geneve, A. K. Koeser, G. Bi, T. Li, Y. Sun, G. Niu, D. Cochran, A. Fulcher, R. J. Stewart. 2015. Economics of Utilizing Alternative Containers in Ornamental Crop Production Systems. HortTechnology 25(1):17-25. Download
- Evans, M. R., A. K. Koeser, G. Bi, S. Nambuthiri, R. Geneve, S. T. Lovell, R. J. Stewart. 2015. Impact of Biocontainers With and Without Shuttle Trays on Water Use in the Production of a Containerized Ornamental Greenhouse Crop. HortTechnology 25(1):35-41. Download
- Li, T., G. Bi, G. Niu, S. S. Nambuthiri, R. L. Geneve, X. Wang, T. R. Fernandez, Y. Sun, X. Zhao. 2015. Feasibility of using biocontainers in a pot-in-pot system for nursery production of river birch. HortTechnology 25(1):57-62. Download
- Nambuthiri, S., R. L. Geneve, Y. Sun, X. Wang, T. R. Fernandez, G. Niu, G. Bi, A. Fulcher. 2015. Substrate Temperature in Plastic and Alternative Nursery Containers. HortTechnology 25(1):50-56. Download
- Rezazadeh, A., R. L. Harkess, G. Bi. 2015. Stimulation of lateral branching of red firespike with dikegulac sodium, benzyladenine, and pinching. HortTechnology 25(3):358-361. Download
- Sun, Y., G. Bi, G. Niu, C. Perez. 2015. Foliar Application of Dikegulac Sodium Increases Branching of 'Merritt's Supreme' Bigleaf Hydrangea. HortTechnology 25(3):306-312. Download
- Sun, Y., G. Niu, A. K. Koeser, G. Bi, V. Anderson, K. Jacobsen, R. Conneway, S. Verlinden, R. Stewart, S. T. Lovell. 2015. Impact of Biocontainers on Plant Performance and Container Decomposition in the Landscape. HortTechnology 25(1):63-70. Download
- Wang, X., T. R. Fernandez, B. M. Cregg, R. Auras, A. Fulcher, D. R. Cochran, G. Niu, Y. Sun, G. Bi, S. Nambuthiri, R. L. Geneve. 2015. Multistate Evaluation of Plant Growth and Water Use in Plastic and Alternative Nursery Containers. HortTechnology 25(1):42-49. Download
- Scagel, C.F., G. Bi, D.R. Bryla, L.H. Fuchigami, and R.P. Regan. 2014. Irrigation Frequency during Container Production Alters Rhododendron Growth, Nutrient Uptake, and Flowering after Transplanting into a Landscape. HortScience, Vol. 49(7):955-960. Download
- Zhao, Y., M. Gu, G. Bi, W.B. Evans, and R.L. Harkess. 2014. Planting Date Effect on Yield of Tomato, Eggplant, Pepper, Zinnia, and Snapdragon in High Tunnel in Mississippi. Journal of Crop Improvement, Vol. 28(1):27-37. Download
- Bi, G., and M. Gu. 2013. 2011 Spring-Summer Ornamentals Trial in Central MS. Acta Horticulturae, Vol. 977:53-59. Download
- Bi, G., W.B. Evans, and V. Cerven. 2012. Effects of pre-plant compost and subsequent fertigation on organic production of zinnia cut flowers in a high tunnel. HortScience 47(9):S347. Download
- Dhir, R., R.L. Harkess, G. Bi. 2011. Elevated air temperatures cause foliar bleaching of ivy geranium ‘Beach’ and ‘Butterfly’. HortScience 46:411-415. Download
- Bi, G., W.B. Evans, J.M. Spiers, A.L. Witcher. 2010. Effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on marigold growth and flowering. HortScience 45:1373-1377. Download
- Scagel, C.F., R.P. Regan, R. Hummel, G. Bi. 2010. Cold tolerance of container-grown green ash trees is influenced by nitrogen fertilizer type and rate. HortTechnolog 20(2):292-303. Download
- Bi, G., C.F. Scagel. 2009. Effects of fall applications of chemical defoliants, urea, and gibberellic acid on defoliation in the fall and performance of hydrangeas during forcing. HortScience 44(6):1604-1607. Download
- Bi, G., W.B. Evans, G.B. Fain. 2009. Use of pulp mill ash as a substrate component for greenhouse production of marigold. HortScience 44(1):183-187. Download
- Scagel, C.F., R.P. Regan, G. Bi. 2009. Bud necrosis of green ash nursery trees is influenced by nitrogen availability and fertilizer type. HortTechnology 20(1):206-212. Download
- Bi, G., C.F. Scagel. 2008. Nitrogen uptake and mobilization by hydrangea leaves from foliar sprayed urea in autumn depends on plant nitrogen status. HortScience 43(7):2151-2154. Download
- Bi, G., C.F. Scagel, R.L. Harkess. 2008. Rate of nitrogen fertigation during vegetative growth and spray applications of urea in the autumn alters growth and flowering of florists' hydrangeas. HortScience 43(2):472-477. Download
- Scagel, C.F., G. Bi, L.H. Fuchigami, R.P. Regan. 2008. Rate of nitrogen application during the growing season and spraying plants with urea in the autumn alters uptake of other nutrients by deciduous and evergreen container-grown rhododendron cultivars. HortScience 43(5):1569-1579. Download
- Scagel, C.F., G. Bi, L.H. Fuchigami,R.P. Regan. 2008. Nitrogen availability alters mineral nutrient uptake and demand in container-grown deciduous and evergreen rhododendron. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 26(3):177-187.
- Bi, G., C.F. Scagel, L.H. Fuchigami, R.P. Regan. 2007. Differences in growth, and nitrogen uptake and storage between two container-grown cultivars of rhododendron. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 25 (1):13-20. Download
- Scagel, C.F., G. Bi, L.H. Fuchigami, R.P. Regan. 2007. Seasonal variation in growth, nitrogen uptake and allocation by container-grown evergreen and deciduous rhododendron cultivars. HortScience 42(6):1440-1449. Download
- Bi, G., C.F. Scagel, L. Cheng, L.H. Fuchigami. 2005. Effects of copper, zinc and urea on defoliation and nitrogen reserves in nursery plants of almond. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 80(6):746-750. Download