Environmental Science in Agricultural Systems

The Environmental Science in Agricultural Systems major provides an educational foundation to prepare students for diversified careers focused on environmental issues related to agronomic and horticultural production. Agriculture faces many challenges both now and into the future. The United Nations projects a vast increase in global population from 6.1 billion in 2000 to 8.9 billion in 2050, a 47% increase. The demand for increased agricultural production imposes a continuum of challenges over the well documented environmental concerns of the 21st century. Other environmental concerns include land use changes, pollution, ocean acidification, and water quantity and quality.
Occupational Outlook Handbook: Occupational Outlook Handbook: The median annual wage for environmental scientists and specialists was $73,230 in May 2020. Employment of environmental scientists and specialists is projected to grow 8 percent from 2020 to 2030. Heightened public interest in the hazards facing the environment, as well as increasing demands placed on the environment by population growth, are expected to spur demand for environmental scientists and specialists.
Download the four year curriculum
Accelerated Program
Highly qualified undergraduates at Mississippi State University are encouraged to consider applying to the Accelerated Program. This program permits enrollment in graduate courses in Agronomy, Horticulture, or Weed Science during the student’s final year of undergraduate studies. Enrollment of up to 9 hours of graduate courses is approved for students admitted to the Accelerated Program. Upon completion of the graduate course(s), undergraduate credit is also awarded for the course. Students need to consult with a potential graduate advisor to ensure graduate credit could be applied to a program of study for the M.S. degree. Application to this program may be made as early as the end of the junior year (i.e., after completion of 90 or more hours of graded undergraduate courses). This option is only available for students pursuing a thesis-based Master of Science degree in Plant and Soil Sciences with a concentration in Agronomy, Horticulture, or Weed Science.
- Agricultural Scientist
- Agricultural Technician
- Air Pollution Analyst
- Air/Water Quality Manager
- Conservation Agent
- Conservation Analyst
- Ecologist
- Environmental Analyst
- Environmental Consultant
- Environmental Educator
- Environmental Lobbyist
- Environmental Planner
- Environmental Scientist
- Hazardous Waste Manager
- Hydrologist
- Management Consultant
- Soil Conservation Technician
- Teacher
- Urban and Regional Planner
Precision Agriculture Certificate Program
There is a need to train students in the broad array of precision agriculture technologies. This certificate program complements majors taught across College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) departments. This certificate features emerging technologies in decision-based agricultural planning and implementation. Visit the Undergraduate Catalog for course requirements.
Students may apply for university, college and departmental scholarships through one application. You can find the scholarship application once you login to myState. Under the banner tab, select Financial Aid and Scholarships. The application is listed as Submit/Revise General Scholarship Application.
Transfer Students
Students may transfer to Mississippi State University from regionally accredited community, junior or senior colleges for any period of enrollment, provided they have earned a 2.0 GPA (as computed by Mississippi State University) on all college courses attempted as well as earned a 2.0 GPA on the 30-hours of core courses. Transfer students should look at the transfer course equivalent guide to determine which courses will transfer.
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